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Our Employee Engagement team is responsible for developing and leading the global strategy around engaging the hearts and minds of our employees. This group is deeply connected to our workforce and strives to help create and support a corporate culture that is centered around our values, our purpose and our mission.
Our talented and professional team elevates Hasbro’s reputation as a responsible, global corporate citizen. We work closely with our internal business colleagues and collaborate with key external global stakeholders - from policymakers, regulators, NGOs, and industry associations to retailers and consumers. We monitor and strive to positively influence global legislation and regulations around the world. We also are responsible for setting CSR strategy and corporate policy for Hasbro’s global operations, including in the areas of product safety, human rights, ethical sourcing, and environmental sustainability.
Our Global Communications team includes the following disciplines: Brand Publicity, who focus on the external storytelling of our brands; Internal Communications, who concentrate on promoting employees’ understanding of our company; the Hasbro Design Studio, who deliver on the visual expression of the Hasbro brand; and Corporate Communications, who focus on our Hasbro corporate story and brand, collaborating with our Investor Relations, Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Philanthropy and Social Impact teams.
Hasbro’s finance organization teams up with business leaders for business planning and analysis, accounting and control, internal audit, treasury, tax, and investor relations. We have global teams located in offices in every region of the world, providing the insight and analysis to lead Hasbro in the execution of its long-term brand blueprint strategy.
HR provides generalist and specialist support to attract, develop, reward and retain the best, brightest and most creative talent globally for the company.
As technologies change, converge and emerge, our IT team plays a strategic role in virtually all facets of our business. Team members work closely with internal business partners, providing innovative solutions and great service to Hasbro.
Our Global Legal department serves as both a strategic internal business partner and as a compliance function. We are dedicated to achieving results in an ethical manner by providing timely and relevant legal advice to the company. Our legal counseling touches all aspects of Hasbro’s business, including Intellectual Property Development and Enforcement, Licensing, Entertainment, Marketing, Antitrust, Sales, as well as Employment and Litigation.
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